Transferring – Frequently Asked Questions

We receive lots of enquiries about transferring agencies. We have summarised the main questions below.

What are the benefits of transferring to a new foster agency?

Transferring is a very personal thing. Some people outgrow their agency, or you may feel that your agency has lost that personal touch. Others feel they have more to offer.

Often foster parents transfer to Hope to be part of a community with Social Workers with small caseloads who can offer more individualised support.


Why should I transfer to Hope Fostering

We are a small and supportive foster agency comprised of foster families, staff, and directors. We offer 24/7 personalised support for all of our foster families. Our training schedule is diverse and comprehensive. Our Supervising Social Workers have small caseloads. We offer competitive salaries and referral bonuses. Most importantly, we are a friendly and diverse agency and we cant wait to welcome you into the Hope family.


How long will it take to transfer to another foster agency?

We aim to have you approved within four to five months. It depends on your current agencies cooperation and Local Authorities availability to meet.


Do I have to have a formal assessment to transfer to a new fostering agency?

Yes, but it should be a faster process than your first ever application as a new foster parent. You’ll need to provide us with your original Form F (from your current provider), and we’ll go through it with you. You’ll also have the usual health, local authority check and finance check. Your application for transfer will go to a Fostering Panel for approval.


Can I transfer if I already foster a child with another agency?

Yes, Your current agency will attend a meeting with all other parties who care for the child/ren. This meeting explores the impact any move would have on the child.


Can I transfer to an Independent fostering agency from a local authority?

Yes, you can, and many people do. If you have children in place, it is often easier. If you don’t then do remember that small agencies won’t often get as many referrals for children to be placed if you are part of the Local authority, so you may have to wait a while. Our matching process is much more detailed too.


How do I transfer to another fostering agency?

Please fill in our contact form or give us a call. Our specialist advisors will talk through your options and why you want to transfer. We can arrange to come and visit you in your home.


Will I be offered training if I transfer to Hope Fostering

All our foster carers – new and those transferring – are offered three-day basic training (Skills To Foster). It’s an excellent induction into how we operate, and you get to meet other local carers. After that, you can choose from wide range of different courses, which take place at our office or online.